The Accelerators Podcast

“See You on Twitter!”: Esophageal Cancer Radiotherapy With Krish and Yasamin

Season 2 Episode 1

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The Season 2 premier of Rad Onc's favorite podcast was inspired by Simul's Twitter poll on neoadjuvant radiotherapy dosing for esophageal cancer! Are you team 4140 or 5040... or something else?

In this episode, the Accelerators (Dr. Anna Laucis, Matt Spraker, and Simul Parikh) host Mayo Clinic Radiation Oncology GI specialist Dr. Krishan Jethwa and PGY-3 resident Dr. Yasamin Sharifzadeh for a conversation about the poll. We discuss dose selection and chemotherapy regimens for esophageal treatment as well as open-mindedness in adopting therapeutic strategies. 

Later, we discuss whether radiotherapy dose-escalation may offer patients benefits, the value of proton therapy for this disease, and... wait for it... carbon ions! 

Here are some studies discussed during the show: 

Podcast art generously donated by Dr. Danielle Cunningham. Intro and Outro music generously donated by Emmy-award winning artist Lucas Cantor Santiago.