The Accelerators Podcast
Oncology News and Views from Photon Media. For more info, please visit photonmedia.org.
The Accelerators Podcast
"Should we be concerned we don't have a VC problem?": Analyzing Job Board Postings with Mudit and John
The Accelerators host (Dr. Anna Laucis, Matt Spraker, and Simul Parikh) another resident-attending duo to discuss the #RadOnc workforce and job market!
Drs. Mudit Chowdhary and John Shumway (a graduating PGY-5 resident at University of North Carolina) review their recent publication evaluating trends in numbers of yearly society job board postings versus graduating residents. We then analyze some of the paper's methods and online discussion of the statistics.
We then discuss the ratio of job postings to graduating residents over time and supplement the data with the lived experience of interviewing for a job in #RadOnc. There is now a strong, data-driven argument against expanding residency positions in our field, so what factors are being considered when departments decide to expand? Are people considering activity in their region? We don't think so.
Finally, Mudit is optimistic that publication and discussion of this issue has initiated a contraction, or at least halted growth. We all agree that progress has been made and modern discussion of the radiation oncology workforce is improved compared to the past.
Remember friends, help control the graduating resident population and don't SOAP in March!
Here are some other things mentioned during the show:
- The Emergency Medicine Workforce Study
- "How Much Are Resident Physicians Worth?" by friend of the show Dr. Carmody (The Sheriff of Sodium)
- Mudit's article on the growth of radiation oncology residency programs
- The 2020 ARRO Graduating Resident Survey
Podcast art generously donated by Dr. Danielle Cunningham. Intro and Outro music generously donated by Emmy-award winning artist Lucas Cantor Santiago.
The Accelerators Podcast is a Photon Media production.