The Accelerators Podcast
Oncology News and Views from Photon Media. For more info, please visit photonmedia.org.
The Accelerators Podcast
The Experts Discuss Patients’ Mental Health and Mindfulness
On this episode, Matt is again joined by guest co-host patient advocates Julie Johnson (@solongsarcoma) and Katie Coleman (@kaydaustin) to discuss some mental health issues experienced by patients with cancer. We are joined by Sara Ariaudo, MHA, a former radiation therapist turned mindfulness coach and founder of Mindful Based Healing, LLC.
We start with a discussion about mindfulness... specifically, what is it? Is it meditation or something more? We discuss how patients can create a personalized mindfulness plan to supplement their care.
We then discuss patients' experiences managing mental health as the interact with oncology clinics. How can patient's best cope with the emotions surrounding a new diagnosis, and how might mindfulness techniques adjust after treatment is completed?
Podcast art generously donated by Dr. Danielle Cunningham. Intro and Outro music generously donated by Emmy-award winning artist Lucas Cantor Santiago.
The Accelerators Podcast is a Photon Media production.