The Accelerators Podcast
Oncology News and Views from Photon Media. For more info, please visit photonmedia.org.
The Accelerators Podcast
A Composite QoL Measure for Rad Onc Happiness
In this episode, The Accelerators (Drs. Matt Spraker and Simul Parikh) discuss Matt's proposed composite quality of life measure for happiness of radiation oncologists.
A lot is written on how to job search and evaluate the quality of a radiation oncology practice, but how to be happy practicing independently is less frequently discussed.
Matt's lays out his theory for Rad Onc happiness, a composite quality measure made up of three components: technical occupational components (such as base salary and case load), fulfillment from career goals, and the "life" of work-life balance. In this discussion, Simul adds his thoughts.
Creating a theory of happiness is a tall order to be sure, but at least it makes for great discussion!
Here are some things mentioned during the show:
- Evaluating a Practice in Radiation Oncology by Drs. Zaorsky and Trifelleti
- Office Space (a must see)
- Dark Side of the 90s on Hulu
- Jerry Springer (RIP)
Podcast art generously donated by Dr. Danielle Cunningham. Intro and Outro music generously donated by Emmy-award winning artist Lucas Cantor Santiago.
The Accelerators Podcast is a Photon Media production.