The Accelerators Podcast
Oncology News and Views from Photon Media. For more info, please visit photonmedia.org.
The Accelerators Podcast
ACROPOLIS Live! Welcome to Rad Onc
It's an ACROPOLIS Live! welcome party with the Accelerators (Drs. Anna Brown, Matt Spraker, and Simul Parikh).
In this episode, newly matched #RadOnc residents-to-be Jazmyne Tabb, Tony Menghini, and Ashlynn Clark join the show to talk about the field.
We discuss the radiation oncology learning curve, our excitement about the future of the field, the new doctors' future plans to spread the word about radiotherapy, and more.
You will walk away inspired!
Here are some things that were mentioned during the show:
- TAP Episode: I Can't Get No!... Patient Satisfaction
- TAP Episode: Low Dose Radiotherapy
- Society of Women in Radiation Oncology (SWRO)
- Ma et al., Patient Experience Performance at a Primary Cancer Center Versus Affiliated Community Facilities
- RadOnc Tables and RadOnc Review Constraints
- eContour
- RadOncQuestions
- RadOnc Wikibooks
Podcast art generously donated by Dr. Danielle Cunningham. Intro and Outro music by Emmy-award winning artist Lucas Cantor Santiago.
The Accelerators Podcast is a Photon Media production.