The Accelerators Podcast
Oncology News and Views from Photon Media. For more info, please visit photonmedia.org.
The Accelerators Podcast
The Problem With ASTRO: Reflections on ROCR and a Plea for a More Open Society
The Accelerators
Season 2
Episode 29
Dear Radiation Oncology,
Here are some thoughts about ASTRO's methods, and some reflections on ROCR and the updated Proton Model Policy.
It is my plea for a more open and inclusive society.
Here are some things that were discussed in this episode:
- RTanswers.org sarcoma section
- Radiation for Sarcoma Ask Me Anything
- ASTRO Sarcoma PPT slides (and others)
- TAP episode: The One About Jobs
- TAP episode: The One About Jobs (Boost), Facility Volumes
- The Graypeace Article on the Rad Onc Workforce
- The Virtual Visiting Professor Network lecture featuring Simul has apparently been removed, but a transcription of his famous speech can be found on SDN
- TAP episode: RO-APM
- ASTRO updated proton policy
- Join Luh, Radiation Oncology Alternative Payment Model's Impact on Small and Rural Practices
- ASTROgram from 5/3 stating that NAPT and Maryland Proton Treatment Center developed the updated proton policy.
- ASTRO tried to delete this, see the internet archive instead
- ASTROgram from 5/10 correcting the 5/3 ASTROgram that "mischaracterized" the stakeholders' role.
- See the internet archive instead
- ASTRO VP of Advocacy Dave Adler on Twitter
The Accelerators Podcast is a production of Photon Media, a division of Cold Light Legacy.